Welcome! The CureLGMD2i Foundation was created by the Brazzo Family when their daughter, Samantha, was diagnosed with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2I/R9 at the age of two. At that time, there were no FDA approved therapies for LGMD2I/R9. They created this 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization (formerly known as The Samantha J. Brazzo Foundation) with a mission to spread awareness, provide advocacy for the patient community, and to raise funds to support research for LGMD2I/R9.

Our Team

Executive Board
Kelly Brazzo, Co-Founder, President/CEO
Dan Pope, Vice President/Advocacy Director
Kristen Olsen, Secretary/Treasurer
Kaitlyn Neroladakis, Officer/Communications Director
John Spencer, Officer/Creative Director
Advisory Board
Dr. Jean Pierre Laurent, Scientific Director
Dr. Katherine Mathews, Medical Director
Tony Hartman, Marketing Director
Justin Fuhr, Web Design
Annie Gunton
Melissa Grove
Julie Savage
Jennifer Zuchetto
Lacey Woods